Wednesday, April 5, 2017

ICF....Insulated Concrete Forms

The more I read, the more I love ICF!  I truly do not know why this is not encouraged or even required as a building source.  Using wood framing just makes no sense to me, and the cheaper homes in the cookie cutter areas are only 2x4 construction, a better home is 2x6 and a "great" home is 2x8 but rarely does a builder use the 2x8.  I would rather have my 10+ inch styrofoam and cement house!  (this is thickness of walls I am taking about).   I am very curious to see what a 10inch ICF bids out to vs a 2x8, which I was recently informed by a builder that he thought it was superior and he never understood ICFs and he basically told my client and I that he didn't like it.  BUT, he would be happy to use it.  Using more wood and therefore more insulation, which compresses over time, makes absolutely NO sense to me.  Our local builders really need to learn about what everyone else wants and what everyone else is doing, which is green building with products like ICF or at least using steel framing!  Anyone who opposes new concepts and new ideas I am extremely wary of, because that means they either don't like change, or are not willing to change because "this is how I have done it for years".  What one has done for years is not necessarily the BEST way to do it!  I respect people on the cutting edge, or better yet, the bleeding edge of embracing change.  What I find very interesting is that many of the "new" building techniques are actually quite old.  We got into this state of using resources faster than they could be replenished, which is not a smart way to live.  The truly sustainable ways of building, methods of using solar power (it was used to passively heat a home years ago), using things like adobe bricks, etc are all very old techniques, but seem to be having a renaissance of being rediscovered again.  So when a builder who has been building for 30 years thinks he knows it all, I beg to differ!  Just because you have built the same way for 30 years does not mean you know more than someone else embracing new or different methods.
Anyway, off my soap box, and there is an ICF magazine that I found interesting!  here is the link!

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